Driving energy efficiency and transitioning to renewable electricity in our direct operations

By July 2025, our owned and controlled operations (stores, distribution centres and offices) will be powered by 100 percent renewable electricity.
By July 2030, we will achieve NetZero Scope 1 and 2 emissions in our owned and controlled operations (stores, distribution centres and offices).

Our Challenge

The effects of climate change on our planet, customers, the economy, and the community can’t be ignored. Kmart Group supports reducing greenhouse gas emissions (emissions) in line with the 2015 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Paris Climate Agreement (Paris Agreement) to limit temperature change to 1.5OC degree pathway.

Scope 1 and 2 emissions in our owned and controlled operations (store network and distribution centres) contribute around 10 per cent of our total emissions, whilst Scope 3 emissions (occurring in our supply chains and product use/disposal) account for around 90 per cent.

Within the Scope 3 component, FY22 inventory data indicates that emissions associated with customer use of sold electrical appliances represent 68 per cent of total emissions; materials in clothing and soft-home represent 10 per cent; and manufacturing processes amount to 22 per cent.

Delivering greater energy and material efficiency in our supply chain and products will be a priority for our business over the long term.