Reducing our waste

By December 2022, we will achieve an 80 per cent waste diversion rate in our stores, distribution centres and support offices. This target has been achieved
By December 2025, we will achieve an 83 per cent waste diversion rate in our stores, distribution centres and support offices
*Our 2030 waste diversion target has been removed pending a strategic review

Like many households, we have a problem with the volume of waste being generated by our stores, distribution centres and offices, and we actively seek ways to minimise waste to landfill.

A dedicated team now support our stores and distribution centres to monitor their waste and recycling and drive best practice and diversion. Waste diversion systems in all our stores and distribution centres are being reviewed and reset and all our team members are being trained. We are also working more closely with our service providers and supply chain to improve diversion rates and clear problematic materials out of our system.

Our Progress

In FY22, waste diversion from stores and distribution centres across Kmart sat at 80%, meeting our December 2022 target. In order to take us forward towards our 2025 and 2030 targets, a waste and recycling dashboard has been developed to allow Kmart stores, regions and states to monitor and compare their waste generation, diversion and bin density. This will be implemented next financial year across all Kmart sites to help improve cost control, reduce waste and increase recycling and waste diversion.

*waste diversion rate is calculated by measuring the total weight of waste materials that are collected and recycled over a 12-month period, divided by the total weight of waste materials collected. This includes, for example, plastic packaging, cardboard packaging, and faulty or damaged merchandise.